From the Rasmussen Report:


Voters overwhelmingly want to see last year’s health care law changed, but there is substantial disagreement about how best to do it.  The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 75% of Likely U.S. Voters want to change the law, while only 18% want it left alone. Those figures include 20% who want the law repealed and nothing done to replace it, 28% who want it repealed and then have its most popular provisions put into a new law and 27% who say leave the law in place but get rid of the unpopular provisions.


It is worth noting that a majority (55%) take one of the middle ground approaches—repeal and replace or leave it and improve. 


Overall, 48% take an approach that starts with repeal. That’s lower than support for repeal measured generally in Rasmussen Reports weekly tracking polls on the subject.  It is likely that some people who prefer repeal when there are no other options for change are drawn to the idea of leaving the law in place and removing the unpopular provisions.


Just after Election Day in early November, 52% of voters said Congress should review the health care bill piece by piece and keep the parts it likes.  Thirty-nine percent (39%) disagreed and said Congress should scrap the whole bill and start all over again.


Most Republicans and unaffiliated voters prefer to start with repeal. Most Democrats prefer to start by leaving the law in place. Republicans are fairly evenly divided between repealing the law and doing nothing or repealing the law and putting its popular provisions into a new law. Democrats are fairly evenly divided between leaving the law alone or starting with the existing law and removing the unpopular provisions.


Not surprisingly, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives favors starting with repeal, while the Democratic-controlled Senate prefers to start by leaving the existing law in place and possibly considering improvements.

Most government workers prefer to start with the existing law in place, while most entrepreneurs prefer to start with repeal. Those who work for others in the private sector are more evenly divided. Most voters under 30 prefer to start with the existing law in place, while most over 50 prefer to start with repeal.


From the beginning, polling has shown that some portions of the law are popular. However, the cost and means of paying for the law are unpopular as is the individual mandate. The Congressional Budget Office has projected that the law will increase government spending but reduce the deficit. Most voters believe the program will cost more than projected and increase the federal budget deficit.

The majority of voters oppose the requirement in the new law that every American must buy or obtain health insurance.

Voters with insurance are evenly divided on whether the new law will force them to change their own insurance coverage.



The Theme

William P. Frasca


Everyday the issues pertaining to the procedures and policies of this Administration led by our President, Barack Hussein Obama, “The Chosen One” should be made into a new fall television show, which would far exceed all expectations in the Nielsen ratings.


The theme could be of one of these two categories, a “Situation Comedy”, with the leader of the free world having “No Clue” and the other, which would offer unfair competition to “Ripley’s Believe It or Not”. This would almost guarantee our President winning another trophy to place on his mantel right next to his unearned, undeserving, ludicrous recipient of the Nobel Pease Prize. At least, this time, The President’s recognition, would be well earned and deserved.


His nomination and acceptance, together with Al Gore’s, bad imitation of a sidewalk preacher, screaming and yelling that the world is coming to an end, by Global Warming with he, himself as the biggest offender, is a travesty. This compounded with Jimmy Carter, Yasser Arafat, to name a few, basically humiliated this high prestige and honor, into the gutter, compared to the outstanding achievements of Mother Teresa, is a mockery. It seems as though the winning qualifications are only political in nature, with unjustified credentials and characteristics with fantasized glorifications.


The main habitual problem we face as a society is not our elected officials that are slowly suffocating our rights as free human beings, and reducing our very existence into a zombie state of obedience. On the contrary, the enemy lies within us, “We the People”.


What’s said about an electorate that displays the same sad idiocies, together with a mindless clueless hypnotic state, which accurately reflects the mentality of the general population, who constantly and repeatedly make the same mistakes? Individuals who are willing to sell their souls and freedoms, in electing false Prophets of grandeur?  What’s said about a civilization that places an unqualified arrogant masked Socialist “Snake Oil Salesman” into the Office of the Presidency?


The security and welfare of this great Nation has been compromised ever since the conception of this Administration. We witnessed the Attorney General, Eric Holder, and Homeland Security Secretary,  Janet Napolitano attacking the great State of Arizona, for taking pertinent, essential steps in developing a righteous front line of self defense, preservation, and protection, against the unwanted, uninvited, advances and mass invasion of illegal aliens, drug cartels, kidnapping, robbery, violent crime, vandalism, deviants, and murder.


These steps enacted were actually enforcing establish immigration laws, and performing the job of the Federal Government, which is to protect America, against all her enemies foreign and domestic. This includes all American property and lives, which are totally ignored and left, hung out to dry, by the Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrats, who had full Federal control over this situation, for the past two years


Our citizens are suffering needlessly at the hands of these illegal foreign invaders, with constant pleas from the American people to secure our boarders, yet this Administration’s only answer is betrayal and procrastination.


We witnessed the disgrace of the United States Congress that performed vicious act of disloyalty, selling out and choosing sides against the Great State of Arizona, in favor of President Felipe Calderon of Mexico, who stood up and spoke in front of a joint session of Congress, with complete arrogance, dictating to America, while condemning and denouncing Arizona, one of our own fifty States as profilers and racist. He was given a standing ovation by most of the weak, cowardice yellow belly Representatives and Senators of the Liberal Socialist Democratic Party. Each one who stood and applauded should be indicted and convicted of treason. We must give some credit where credit is earned and commend members of the Republican Party, and some Democratic stragglers, who sat, expressed their outrage and showed their contempt and irritation.


We are accepting unfair searches and seizures, for a false sense of security, by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at our airports, while well known safety loopholes in the system go undetected and uncorrected.


We are seeing all terrorist given the same Miranda rights as any legal American citizen convicted of a common crime. These individuals have no rights; any rights given should be through the articles of the Geneva Convention, because they have declared war on the United States and the American people. They are enemies of this Country and must be labeled and documented as soldiers of war. We have no alternative but to judge these unconscionable mutants by a Military tribunal, instead of a civilian court of law.


Yet this ludicrous policy is endorsed by our President Barack Hussein Obama, “The Chosen One”. This would also increase unnecessary added risks to ours lives and residences, escalating vulnerability, with constant fear of potential attacks, during these hearings, with the taxpayers paying the enormous added costs. They are not entitled to have their final verdict of innocence or guilt judged by a jury of their peers. These rights are only reserved for all legal Americans, not combatants of war.


The perfect example of a potential tragedy, in which the federal prosecutors actually dodged a legal bullet, was with Ahmed Khalfan Ghailanito the first Guantanamo detainee who was tried in a civilian court. Different forms of essential evidences were thrown out, because it was considered illegally obtained, which would have been accepted in a Military Tribunal.


He was acquitted with charges of conspiracy and murder in the 1998 terrorist bombings of the United States Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. He was only convicted of one count of conspiracy to destroy government buildings and property. He was acquitted of conspiring to kill Americans and using weapons of mass destruction.


This is a disgrace, especially to all the victims and their families who suffered through his evil actions. When the jury and the civilian judiciary system refused to convict and acknowledge any of his responsibility towards the brutal deaths and unmerciful killings of these innocent victims, it must show reasonable doubt to all, with a minimum amount of intelligence, on its creditability.


Our unique judicial system has been established for all legal Americans. Downgrading their terrorist actions of planned intentional mass murder and destruction, showing their vile condemnation, of our way of life, is a useless attempt in futility. These are vicious cold hearted animals; unconscionable murders, and must not be offered in any way, shape, or form our sacred rights and privileges.


Now the Country is held hostage with the further humiliation of a website, which posted secret government documents associated with our National Security. “Wikilecks” held in their procession and announced to the world, thanks to the prime suspect in all this mess, Private First Class Bradley Manning, a 23-year-old military intelligence officer.

The unbelievable disclosure in all this fiasco was that Mr. Manning was arrested back in June for his treasonous actions. This happened almost (6) months ago, in which our Government knew that Mr. Manning gave these documents to “Wikilecks”. Why didn’t the Obama Administration initiate a well thought out aggressive plan of attack against this website and its creator? Why didn’t they issue an all points bulletin to arrest its founder Julian Assange or attempt to plug up the leaks by eliminating this website? Limiting the amount of damage to our National Security? Instead the Government did what they do best, nothing.

The day this became news, we heard from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder condemning these despicable actions of stolen State Department documents. They promised America and the American people that they will tighten all aspects of national security eliminating another situation of this caliber from ever happening again, but surprisingly nothing was said at that time from our President Barack Hussein Obama, :The Chosen One:”.

This only proves that we are definitely not in good hands and shows the lackadaisical attitude towards our safety relating to the escalated ineptness of this Administration. Their policies and procedures concerning National Security are non-existent. Their projected idiocy and naive behavior proves that they actually have no clue. No matter what happens to this “Wikilecks” website, or any potentially alleged arrests or prosecutions, this Administration has displayed a sad bungling lack of expertise in National Security. The stakes are too high to have an unacceptable useless inept policy of closing the barn door after the animals have left the building.


 The tragedy we as American are presently facing with the needless slaughter in Arizona has nothing to do with an individual’s right to peacefully, without any violence, to voice or express, their Constitutional rights. Certain Political demigods and the unsympathetic bought and sold idiots of the Press, have no shame or compassion as to use this misery and senseless act of violence as an offensive maneuver to illegally limit and induce forced government intervention on our precious Right to Freedom of Speech, as long as it is acceptable to the Progressive Puppet Masters. Their bigotry reeks with the stench of hypocrisy. This act of unnecessary violence, which took the lives of innocence, which included a nine year old child was not only despicable, but beyond any human comprehension.


This was obviously, and you don’t have to be Sigmund Freud to realize that this was enacted by an unstable, mentally deranged individual, which unfortunately resurrects its ugly head, with no limitations or boundaries, until it’s too late, within our society.


We must always defend our valued God Given Unalienable Rights. We must never be intimidated or stymied by illogical accusations with no substance, which forces to impose a muzzle on the voices of the opinionated righteousness. The predetermined unsubstantiated guilt to silence the populous must always be eliminated. We are Americans and all expressions of non violent, peaceful protest and dialog must forever be preserved.