The CBO had projected the federal deficit to be at $1.35 trillion and Obama just unveiled a record $3.8 trillion budget. This past Monday, Obama sent to Washington a record $3.8 trillion budget for 2011 that would boost war spending, trim domestic spending and rely on $1.3 trillion in new borrowing. The budget would be the third in a row with a deficit of more than $1 trillion.  


F&C has grown tired of hearing Obama preach that he inherited all the problems from George Bush. Bush was no prize, but what Obama did inherit is his own Democratic Congress’s mess. The majority of our economic problems belong to the Democrats with their 3 years in control.




  1. Recession began in 2008, over a year after the Democrats Pelosi/Reid/Obama took control of Congress.


  1. The Republican Congress had 4 budget surplus years and left in 2006 with the DOW at a record high.


  1. Unemployment was at a record low (4%)


  1. 52 straight months of economic growth.


The majority of the recession, the stock market drop, the skyrocketing unemployment, and the crash of the Barney Frank/Chris Dodd financial system belongs to this Democratic Congress.


This Pelosi/Reid/Obama Democratic Congress has accumulated 3 times the deficit in 3 years than the Republican Congress accumulated in 12 years total.


  • Republican Congress: 12 years of record prosperity and deficits averaging $105 billion.


  • Democratic Congress: 3 years of economic failure and deficits averaging over $1.1 trillion.


Those are the facts; scant job creation is holding back economic growth. Obama’s increasing taxes on corporations, raising their energy costs, making it easier for unions to take their workers (card check) and increase health care costs will do more to drive away manufacturing jobs.


No common sense in liberal land? Then try to understand this: I can start a business in the USA where Obama is promising to raise my taxes, will allow easier access for unions to my employees (Card Check), force me to pay for increased cost for health care, unemployment insurance, have to meet more government restrictions and rules and pay higher energy taxes to fight global warming……or I could start a company in another country with none of these and export to the USA.


Seems so simple even liberals could understand it.





  • Oregon last week voted yes to taxing the wealthy and businesses. Oregon has set aside its history of shooting down tax increases on statewide ballots, with voters endorsing higher taxes on businesses and the rich during this brutal economic slump. I wonder if Oregon expects jobs to be created from this? My guess is that jobs will be lost because of this.


  • Voters said that Obama’s State of the Union address was a call to lawmakers. Most polls found that millions of Americans liked what Obama had to say but are still wary on whether lawmakers from both parties would be politically inclined to get jobs and economic plans moving.


  • U.S factory sector posted a strong expansion as the private research group, the Institute of Supply Management said its index of manufacturing activity moved to 58.4 in January which was the best reading since August 2004, up from 54.9 in December and 53.7 in November. Wasn’t Christmas in December? Did I miss something?


  • Personal income rose and was up 0.4% in December. The rise in income was more than expected while spending advanced by less than expected which indicates most Americans remain cautious.


  • Nancy Pelosi plans to push a $300 billion “fix” to the Senate health care bill, saying that her chamber could approve the Senate’s package if those changes are made first. Pelosi is obviously using controversial tactics knows as “reconciliation” to pass health care. So as the rest of America wants health care abandoned, she still plans to ignore the public and ram a bill through.



Barack, “The Chosen One”

(By William P. Frasca)

Barack, “The Chosen One” stood before his subjects, reading and announcing, from his sacred scroll, the anointed words of perpetual wisdom. Compared to the great Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, he self proclaimed himself as the United States leader above all leaders. His arrogance only surpasses his extended truths of misguided, misleading exuberant words, of falsehoods. This reverses any hope of an honest reality of relevant, significant social advancements of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Barack Hessian Obama, “The Chosen One” is definitely, without a doubt, the most ultimate, incontestable, Socialist Marxist Democratic ruler, of and in American history. Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Jimmy Carter couldn’t hold a candle to this man’s inept, government controlling, freedom robbing warped Socialistic Marxist ideology. What’s really truthfully and unbelievably scary is that he actually believes in what he believes?

His self inhibited condescending words of communicating to the masses are considered law in his storybook Mother Goose world of self magnificence. His every whim, must be acknowledged, and worshipped no matter how minuet. His teleprompter diction of supreme guidance should be honored, respected, followed, and offered as a sacrifice of humiliating loyalty in swearing unquestionable allegiance to him. He is in his own words, and the words of all his Socialist Marxist Democratic kool-aide drinkers, infallible and above the law. Barack knows best.

 This was my little way of sarcastically evaluating, analyzing, and criticizing the vocalization of President Barack Hussein Obama “The Chosen One’s” first State of the Union speech. His address to the people of the United States should have been called “I Barack”.

Unbelievably, he still blames all of America’s present day problems on George W. Bush, washing his hands of all the incompetent policies enacted during this past year of power, by his Administration. When will he or his Administration ever accept any accountability or responsibility of their actions?

 He continues to  blame the Republicans, for his own lack of establishing unity skills, by eliminating and alienating them from any and all policy making decisions and suggestions, further widening the stalemate.. Then he becomes angry at them, after he steps on their neck, making deals and adding amendment, behind closed doors, for not rolling over and playing dead to his illogical timetables and dead lines.

They finally showed a spark of courage and having a backbone, by standing united, rejecting any and all of his scandalous, corrupt freedom denying, Socialistic maneuvers of eliminating Capitalism, increasing financial taxpayer abuses, stimulus package, second stimulus package, healthcare, raising taxes, and crippling businesses. Can he finally be trusted with his so-called extended olive branch to them?

He blamed the Supreme Court, for performing their sworn duty, by coming to a fair and just interpretation and conclusion in ultimately reversing an unfair, unconstitutional campaign finance law. Their judgment didn’t meet with his approval, and he factually misrepresented the ruling. This decision must have hit a sour paranoid note, with his fearful evaluation of possibly being counter productive to all election bids associated with his Party members, and especially to his own re-election. Never imaging that any loss, could be affected, by his over zealous bungling. So he used this opportunity to undermine, insult and question their assessment.

He blamed the good citizens and taxpayers of this great Country, for having the lack of ability, comprehension and intellect to trust his decisions and guidance. Even though Mr. Obama deceivingly announced as one of his campaign promises for a transparent Government and Administration, in which he obviously did not deliver. The American people took their own initiative of transparency in action by seeing right threw his unorthodox Socialistic Marxist Democratic motives of trying to destroy our rights and quality of life. It’s either his way or the highway

Fortunately, the American people showed their strength and power, by voting to save our precious Country, from absolute power, flexing the muscles of liberty, erecting a stop sign and engaging an emergency brake, to his steamroller of forced compliance. We ducked and he missed us with his right, but we must continue to bop and weave, never forgetting he’s left handed.