The F&C Editorial – February 10th Edition
"Employers unexpectedly cut 20,000 jobs in January, but the unemployment rate surprisingly fell to a five-month low of 9.7 percent, according to a government report last Friday that hinted at some labor market improvement starting to take root." Besides the inherent contradiction between headlines, it always intrigues me that the so-called experts are "surprised" or something "unexpected" happened.
Whatever happened in the past - today the rulers of the roost are liberal Democrats and it's there fiscal policies which are anti-job growth (that is, unless you consider make-work government jobs real job growth - i.e. those jobs that are built on borrowing and have little more than current consumption of other's production of food, housing, etc.).
The Republican low tax policies tried to staunch the outflow of jobs from the US.
If you checked the newspapers lately, it shows that higher skilled, higher capital demanding jobs are still growing. To try and believe one can offer above-global-market wages for jobs that can be done more cheaply in other countries is like trying to masturbate to have a baby.
Among the things that we are seeing is a surge of more than 200,000 new government workers, and we are seeing the start of a surge that will employ a million temporary census workers. It's an overstatement, of course, but one could drive the unemployment statistic to zero percent if the federal government decided to "employ" every unemployed person.
The only reason the unemployment rate can drop while the jobless rate rises is if people are unexpectedly leaving the "workforce" in that they are no longer looking for work. Unfortunately, the Obamaphiles will latch onto the unemployment rate as proof that their stimulus plan worked; however, Americans are no longer being fooled by such chicanery.
The Labor Department estimates the unemployment rate from a survey of households, separate from the survey of employers used to track changes in payrolls. (That figure showed employers cutting 20,000 jobs in January.) The household survey asks people whether they have a job or whether they want a job and searched for one, among other questions. It showed a substantial gain in employment ― 541,000 jobs last month.
The Labor Department surveys tend to be volatile, producing figures that jump around between months due to sampling. Last July, joblessness declined to 9.4% from 9.5% ― and then rose for three straight months after that. The drop was due in part to a substantial decline in the labor force. Last month, the labor force actually rose by about 111,000.
Some lawmakers ― in particular, those with elections in November ― might try to use the latest figures to suggest that joblessness is trending lower. And some investors who want the Federal Reserve to tighten policy ― as it has done historically only once unemployment starts declining ― will do the same. If so, they’re likely to be proven wrong. The jobless rate is likely to rise in the coming months as people who had dropped out of the labor force start looking for jobs again as the economy recovers. That would push the main unemployment rate higher, perhaps back above 10%.
The January report did offer some other hopeful signs. The government’s broader measure of unemployment declined almost a full percentage point to 16.5% from 17.3% in December. People working part-time because they couldn’t find full-time work dropped sharply. That comprehensive gauge of labor underutilization, known as the “U-6″ for its Labor Department classification, accounts for people who have stopped looking for work or who can’t find full-time jobs. It should continue approaching the U-3 figure (the official unemployment rate) as people who were unemployed restart their job hunts.
- Visa and MasterCard show surprising earning. Visa is expected to show earnings of 91 cents a share for the final three months of 2009. Revenue is expected to be up 10% from the prior year. MasterCard will follow with revenue up by 6%.
- The private sector shed 22,000 jobs in January 2010. The drop was the smallest since February 2008. Even though economists are optimistic, jobs still fell, just at smaller rate. Not sure I would be jumping up and down.
- Intel chief stated last week Al-Qaeda is likely to attempt an attack within the next three to six months. The terrorist organization is believed to be deploying operatives to the U.S to carry out new attacks from inside the country.
- The “Tea Party” label invites discord. Battles within the “Tea Party” movement are erupting. Most of them argue with each other on what the movement means and what do they stand for. Some of the Tea Party members are just hard working folks that are tired of giving their money through taxes to deadbeats. The other side of the “Tea Party” members consider themselves true conservatives who are disenchanted with the Republican Party.
Declaring War
(By William P. Frasca)
President Barack Hussein Obama, “The Chosen One” has announced and declared war on the increasing double digit unemployment problem, which has been compounded during his tenure as the Commander-In-Chief.
Did he finally wake up from his fantasy dream of a Socialist Marxist United States of America created in his image with interpreted ideology of his unsuccessful botched unstable deviant Communist heroes ?, of course not! His high and mighty attitude concerning this crises projected that it was a small little glitch and setback to his Marxist itinerary, in which he can reinforce with his next proposed budget. His strong assuring choices of words are a clever rouge to lure the unsuspecting American public back into his mystical adoring admiration of regal worship. Remember a leopard can not change its spots.
This is right in the middle of our Country suffering a record budget deficit at the end of his first Presidential year, with it progressively getting worse with an anticipated financial explosion, which will blow the lid off the budget at the end of his first term.
Is this or will it eventually going be another debacle in duplicate fashion, mirroring the same failed government handout and complete waste of money to solve our Nations unemployment problem that was established by then President Jimmy Carter, “The Clueless Submissive One” in the late 1970’s? This entitlement was called the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act better known as the (CETA) program.
He used taxpayers’ money to establish a useless temporary non-productive low grade employment positions, which served absolutely no credence or purpose in training these selected individuals for future permanent enhanced essentially respectable lifetime careers. This was a rapid futile fix to the unemployment problem, which only placed a band aid to a patient needing major surgery. He also had the rob Peter to pay Paul idiocy syndrome, which was an exorbitant rise in taxes.
This of course, as every federal government related or operated program had its scandals and superior forms of corruption and thievery. This job creation bill was decentralized, which gave complete control and distribution powers of all employment opportunities to each State, City and County governments. This left undocumented, untraceable accounts of most financial transactions, including a clueless explanation and information of all those who were hired. This included fraudulent record keeping and no show jobs, which were used as illegal patronage to political local hacks.
CETA, was suppose to be Jimmy Carter’s, New Deal, but unlike his Socialist Marxist Democratic predecessor, progressive Franklin D. Roosevelt who produced the Works Progress Administration or The Works Projects Administration (WPA) during the Great Depression, left no lasting monuments, buildings or great social achievements, to justify its expensive established existence. This program was horribly and disgracefully identified as a disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable outrage and humiliation.
Conservative President Ronald Reagan corrected double digit inflation, high unemployment, loan rates that skyrocketed, a United States currency that was worthless, by reducing taxes, for everyone, and removing the shackles of the free expertise system initiated by the Jimmy Carter’s progressive Administration. Talking about inheriting a financial catastrophe and sick economy, Ronald Reagan overcame all these adverse Socialist Marxist Democratic conditions by using Capitalism.
Now Obama and his merry cohorts of Socialistic entities are sticking their noses where they don’t belong. They don’t belong regulating and dictating to private companies and small corporations with their anti business mentality. These entrepreneurs, if left alone will always out shine any government intervention, in creating new jobs, with new products and technology because history and self motivation has proven this to a truthful fact.
The government, especially the Obama Administration has no real clear cut successful track record in establishing any pertinent triumphant policies or priorities. Everything they attempted to do seems to turn into coal, with ineffectual results. Could it possibly be the fault and hopeless attempts of a dysfunctional outlook by these selected inept policy makers? The stimulus package was and still is a reprehensible failure. Bridges going to no where, pork, useless impractical infrastructures, unnecessary over inflated repairs and developments, corruption and thievery and fraud were enhanced by this high priced incentive.
Cash for clunkers was an exorbitant expensive entitlement to entice new car sales, costing us plenty. Socialist programs of this caliber are not only draining and inflating the budget, but also placing a stressful weighted existence to each and every American family, who are struggle for their survival. This spending will be a continued monetary albatross to future generations.
This past year, the Obama Administration lied, cheated by forcefully manipulating and obstructing our precious Constitutional freedoms and unmatched world renowned Yankee Ingenuity. Socialism is worse than a flesh eating fungus, because it breaks the will and spirit of a society to achieve their highest capable unlimited potential.
They closed their eyes to the unemployment problem, this past year, by offering extensions with additional government dependence, with no permanent solutions. Unfortunately they were so naïve, because the answer was right in front of their faces.
Capitalism if left alone will always work. It does not need any negative control from incompetent bureaucrats. The free enterprise system will excel, as long as if it is not burdened with high taxes, and illogical forced strangle hold regulations to stymie their expansion and growth.
Unfortunately this new budget which is being introduced by our President, Barack Hussein Obama, “The Chosen One” is a total abomination. There are no free lunches, and with an Administration who loves to spend the taxpayer’s hard earned money like drunken sailors on a (48) hour shore leave, after spending (6) consecutive months at sea, there is absolutely no logical reasoning.
The final solution and analysis will be the same old philosophy which was religiously followed for years and traditionally acknowledged by this Socialist Marxist Democratic Administration. This is recognized, as unfair, immorally unjust redistribution of wealth, unconscionable punishment of the wealthy; together with the self made individual. They will increase anti-business philosophies, expanding government, reducing productivity, rewarding the blood sucking non-contributors and for the rest of us we can expect a wide range of multiple tax increases.