Rahm Emanuel said, “You never let a good crisis go the waste.” And this BP spill disaster is being used by the administration for political gain. The following is an letter from American Solutions (www.americansolutions.com)
President Obama addressed the nation about his administration's efforts to address the crisis.
After offering two short paragraphs to explain what is actually being done to stop the oil leak, President Obama devoted most of his spee...
Give me $20 Billion to distribute as I see fit, thank you. Vilify the Oil Industry and especially, BP. Create Plans and talk at length about them (His speech). Promise lots of money to any resident of the Gulf Coast (Katrina Plus). Obama’s speech was a disaster; it had no real solution to the problem. It almost seemed like Obama was unprepared. I noticed he managed to sneak Cap and Trade into the speech. Obama certainly is good at speeches but...?
American Solutions General Chairman Newt Gingrich wrote an article in the Washington Post that has annoyed the Democrats, including President Obama.
In thearticle, Gingrich repeats an earlier assertion that President Obama is "the most radical president in American history" and describes with several examples how the governing team of Obama-Pelosi-Reid operates as a "secular socialist machine."
Describing the Obama administration policies as "socialist" is more th...