Rhetoric about there being "two Americas" divided into the "haves and have nots" is all too common, but you should probably expect to see an uptick in that very soon. The ‘haves’ being earnings, “have nots” being jobs and housing.
What do I mean, well Q2 earnings for American companies have been remarkable for how disconnected they seem from the actual economy, as measured by the various weekly and monthly indicators. We don't have to list the var...
Fears are growing as millions stand to lose their jobless benefits if Congress does nothing. Some critics, mainly Republicans claim extending jobless benefits adds to the country’s large fiscal deficit and may even discourage job seeking.
This is once again partisan politics at its best. Senator Dr. Tom Coburn a Republican from Oklahoma has gone on record by stating, “The longer the unemployed have benefits, the less incentive there is to find a job.”
Sarbanes-Oxley is a bogus legislation with the only goal to collect money from companies. It’s useless because there are sufficient laws on the books to prevent whatever this legislation wants to prevent.
For instance, it never stopped the fraud in the financial meltdown. I think that is the biggest test for its usefulness. When we needed it most, it failed to protect us. Just one more piece of bureaucracy with the only intent to squeeze mo...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos last week hyped Barack Obama's handling of the decision to fire General Stanley McChrystal and replace him with David Petraeus, lauding the action as a "political masterstroke." His comments built on extensive media praise, including many reporters who called the move "brilliant." Stephanopoulos seemed particularly pleased. The former Democratic aide turned journalist extolled, "...That pick really seems to have been t...?