Many are perplexed that corporations are sitting on their largest cash pile ever rather than invest it in new workers. Most of these companies are worried about futures policies enacted by the Obama administration that will hit them in fees. The rise of medical fees from the new healthcare law, and taxes set to go up in 2011 on small businesses if the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire. Its no wonder companies are holding on their cash flow and not hiring.
Some in the press are telling you the private sector is adding jobs. They are also telling you that the private sector has added 620,000 jobs over the past seven months and touting this as a great event.Hey adding jobs is always a good sign but the economy is shredding jobs faster than the private sector is adding them.
620,000 jobs over seven months equals 88,000 jobs across 50 states, that’s only 1,770 jobs per state on average which is pathetic. Usual...
This was supposed to be the summer of recovery as V.P Joe Biden claimed it would be.
But the July jobs numbers were dismal and the number of planned layoffs at U.S firms rose 6%, marking the third straight month of increased layoffs. So how could Joe Biden state this will be the summer of recovery when job losses have increased every month since falling in April?
I love the liberal media’s spin when MSNBC stated the increases in job losses were eve...