The next generation which is Generation Y (The Millennial Generation) born from 1980 to 2000, will face steep financial hurdles like huge debt and no savings. Teens and twentysomethings known stereotypically for their coddled upbringing, confidence, opinionated dialogue, free-spending habits and openness to change will have their dreams cut short.
This group which has the get-it-now, pay-for-it-later mind-set, will see stagnant wages, job insecurity, the d...
Obama was at Copper Union College in NYC selling his vision for Wall Street reform, saying that the financial industry has too often forgotten the ordinary Americans who have suffered from its reckless irresponsibility.
“A free market was never meant to be a free license to take whatever you can get, however you can get it. “ Obama stated and added, “That’s what happened too often in the years leading up to this crisis. Some but not all on Wall Stree...
Get ready for a war. What do I mean? The war that will be waged on your wallet. Taxes are coming at the federal, state and local level. Obama will most likely enact the national sales tax which he will call a value added tax. This is why he is going around warning of the dangers of having a high deficit. Unfortunatel...
Recently, Steny Hoyer (D) said that any disagreements in Washington are to be debated in a true democracy. How did anyone in the room keep from laughing out loud? The irony of that statement made a day after ramming through a $2.3 trillion piece of garbage (The HC Law) that 65% of us didn’t want, was obviously lost on him.
By the way, watch for this to become the Left’s rallying cry for reviving the Fairness Doctrine. They will argue that talk radio incit...
Violence of any kind should be denounced but the left wing media is the ones inciting violence. They are branding a movement in this country as a bunch of racist, radical, violent people that are conservative and part of the Republican Party. Their goal is to drive down the movement (The Tea Party Movement) by making them seem like a bunch of radicals.
What the media should be doing is denouncing all acts of violence which they have not. Republican Congressm...